After two years of digital conferences the ZNU – Center for Sustainable Leadership at Witten/Herdecke University is hosting the XIII ZNU Future Conference on 05. & 06 May 2022 in KOMED MediaPark (Cologne). This year the speakers and participants will discuss the topic “Gemeinsam den Transformationsprozess gestalten – Wie sieht machbare & messbare Nachhaltigkeit aus?“ In ten lectures, four workshops and a panel discussion with top representatives from politics, industry, finance and NGOs, approaches to solutions will be discussed together and practical assistance provided on the topics of “Climate Protection & Food Waste,” “Recycling & Packaging,” “Human Rights in the Supply Chain,”and “Biodiversity” for their company. The following are among the initiators of the event: Dr. Ophelia Nick, Parlamentarische Staatssekretärin (BMEL), Michael Hähnel (Rügenwalder Mühle), Annika Ahlers (Farm-Food-Climate Challenge), Florian Harrlandt (DNK), Johannes Hartig (Sparkasse Osnabrück), Babak Kharabi (KODi), Lutz Richrath (REWE Richrath) und Friedel Hütz-Adams (Südwind). In the workshop “Biodiversity” the BioVal project will be presented and there will be impulses from companies about their activities on biodiversity.
For more information, click here.