Social values

What values do consumers have about biodiversity?

So far, there are hardly any studies on the extent to which there is an awareness of the connection between food production and consumption and the hazard to biodiversity, and how social sensitivity to this topic can be increased.

Therefore, the aim is to record social values on biodiversity with regard to food production and the awareness of the connection between food production and biodiversity for different social groups in Germany.

The sub-project on social values deals with the following questions:

  • What are the values and attitudes of different groups of actors regarding the importance of food production for biodiversity?
  • How can the findings on normative values regarding biodiversity be incorporated into the evaluation of different forms of land use?
  • How can the findings on consumer attitudes and behavioural intentions in the area of biodiversity be used for corporate communication in the food sector?

In the course of the project, various methods will be used to capture the social perspective on biodiversity in food production:

  • document and secondary data analysis
  • a representative consumer survey
  • focus groups with consumers

Representative consumer survey

In order to determine consumers’ attitudes towards biodiversity and their behavioural intentions, an online survey will be conducted with 1,000 participants between the age of 18 and 69. A sample will be questioned that is representative of the Internet-using population in Germany with regard to place of residence, gender, age and education. The main contents of the survey are knowledge about biodiversity, awareness of the influence of food production on biodiversity, as well as attitudes and prioritisation of the respondents in this regard, e.g. according to considerations of benefit. Furthermore, the willingness to act for the conservation of biodiversity (e.g. by buying biodiversity-friendly products) and the expectations of consumers towards food producers regarding biodiversity conservation are surveyed. The data collected will be used to identify characteristic consumer groups with regard to their values.

Click here for the results and a press release from the TU Berlin.

Focus group with consumers

The representative online survey is supplemented by a group discussion with consumers. In the moderated discussion group, the question of how to increase consumers’ awareness of the connection between biodiversity and food production in everyday life will be examined in greater depth. The results of the focus group are recommendations for communication measures that can strengthen the attractiveness of biodiversity-friendly food and promote consumers’ willingness to act and pay.

Social values

The aim of this research module is to collect social values on biodiversity and food production and the awareness of the connection between food production and biodiversity in Germany.

Impact assessment of biodiversity

The aim is to optimise the impact assessment of biodiversity in LCA in a practical way and to add diffuse effects and aquatic biodiversity.

Biodiversity in companies

Together with the companies FRoSTA AG, Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG and Seeberger GmbH, living labs are being used to work out how the effects of corporate and production processes on biodiversity along the food value chain can be better recorded and taken into account in decisions.

Transdisciplinary integration

The goal of transdisciplinary integration is to bring together the knowledge from the three research modules and to develop it further together with the living lab companies and other companies, for example in the biodiversity working group.