Research project

The BioVal research project

The aim of BioVal is to explore how negative impacts of food production and consumption on biodiversity can be reduced and how they can have positive impacts instead. BioVal focuses on the food sector, as food production and diets have the greatest impact on the protection and conservation of biodiversity due to the use of a wide variety of ecosystems (cultivated grasslands, fields, oceans, lakes). Both terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity are included. BioVal addresses the comprehensive research question of how the value of biodiversity can be increased along product life cycles from three perspectives:

  • the societal perspective on value attitudes towards biodiversity,
  • the methodological perspective on how the impact of products on biodiversity can be quantified, and
  • the entrepreneurial perspective on how to manage in a way that promotes biodiversity and how the manufactured products can be valued on the market and along the entire product life cycle.

BioVal’s research approach is transdisciplinary, therefore the project will also be formatively evaluated.

Social values

The aim of this research module is to collect social values on biodiversity and food production and the awareness of the connection between food production and biodiversity in Germany.

Impact assessment of biodiversity

The aim is to optimise the impact assessment of biodiversity in LCA in a practical way and to add diffuse effects and aquatic biodiversity.

Biodiversity in companies

Together with the companies FRoSTA AG, Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG and Seeberger GmbH, living labs are being used to work out how the effects of corporate and production processes on biodiversity along the food value chain can be better recorded and taken into account in decisions.

Transdisciplinary integration

The goal of transdisciplinary integration is to bring together the knowledge from the three research modules and to develop it further together with the living lab companies and other companies, for example in the biodiversity working group.