Dr. Ulrike Eberle visited a supplier in Spain together with Isabell Schäfer and Nadine Kellner (project partners, Seeberger GmbH). The aim of the visit was to get to know the supplier’s existing measures to promote biodiversity and to gain support for the further development of the impact assessment method developed in the project.
The BioVal project aims to develop instruments and management tools to protect and promote biodiversity along the product value chain. The living lab with Seeberger is specifically investigating how biodiversity can be integrated into supplier management. Therefore, the exchange on site was essential to gain further insights that can help with the overall conception of the process.
It was particularly exciting to see that the supplier is already testing measures to promote biodiversity. The supplier was willing to provide the required data for testing the BVI dashboard, which is very helpful in order to be able to further evaluate its practical suitability.
It is clear that an open exchange can also help to promote and raise awareness among other suppliers.
The dashboard and questionnaires that are sent to suppliers therefore provide Seeberger with the starting points for creating a holistic process.