In the coming weeks, we would like to introduce the BioVal team, the research project in its research fields and its collaboration in more detail. The joint project is working on an important topic that is backed by people who want to work together to close a gap in research.
In the first part of our interview series, we would like to introduce Module 1. Prof. Dr. Dr. Martina Schäfer and Dipl. Soz. Uta Böhm from the Center for Technology and Society at the Technical University of Berlin are exploring the question of society’s attitude towards biodiversity. The overarching goal is to reduce the impact of food production on biodiversity.
If we can get the three companies to take steps to include biodiversity as an important topic in their sustainability management so that it influences their day-to-day decisions, then a lot will have been gained.
You can read about how the researchers are working on this in Module 1 in the following interview. Have fun discovering!