There are 45 files, weighing 141,4 MiB with 7.148 hits in total.
Displaying 21 to 40 of 45 files.
BioVal Reallabor Ritter Sport: Vision zu den gesellschaftlichen Wirkungen
» 186,5 KiB - 476 hits - 4. August 2022
Die Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG hat sich im Jahr 2021 dem BioVal-Forschungsprojekt als Praxispartner angeschlossen und verfolgt das Ziel herauszufinden, welche Ansprüche das Unternehmen an seinen Rohstoffbezug stellen sollte, um zum Erhalt und der Förderung von Biodiversität in der Lieferkette beitragen zu können. Konkret sollen die Auswirkungen der einzelnen Rohstoffe auf Biodiversität abgebildet werden, um diese Informationen in den Beschaffungsprozess zu integrieren. Hierbei konzentriert man sich zunächst auf die Rohstoffe Kakao, Milch und Palmöl. Im Rahmen der formativen Evaluation von BioVal hat das wissenschaftliche Team zusammen mit Ritter Sport zu Projektbeginn diskutiert, welchen Output und gesellschaftliche Wirkungen mit der transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit im BioVal-Projekt erreicht werden sollen.
BioVal Reallabor FRoSTA: Vision zu den gesellschaftlichen Wirkungen
» 191,1 KiB - 400 hits - 4. August 2022
Biodiversität ist ein präsentes Thema in den Medien und auch bei den Verbraucher:innen ein großes Anliegen. Das BioVal-Projekt entwickelt eine Managementmethode, mit den Unternehmen, um den Einfluss ihrer Produkte auf Biodiversität bewerten können. Die FRoSTA AG ist einer von drei Praxispartner:innen des Projektes. Das Bewusstsein für den Schutz von Biodiversität bei FRoSTA und den landwirtschaftlichen Produzent:innen soll durch die Integration in den Managementprozess gestärkt werden und bedeutet eine stetige gemeinsame Weiterentwicklung der Maßnahmen zum Schutz von Biodiversität. Zugleich hat FRoSTA Methoden entwickelt und erprobt, wie der Biodiversitätsschutz durch FRoSTA kommuniziert werden kann. Im Rahmen der formativen Evaluation von BioVal hat das wissenschaftliche Team zusammen mit FRoSTA zu Projektbeginn diskutiert, welchen Output und gesellschaftliche Wirkungen mit der transdisziplinären Zusammenarbeit im BioVal-Projekt erreicht werden sollen.
Biodiversität in der Ökobilanz, Factsheet für Unternehmen
» 223,6 KiB - 670 hits - 14. April 2022
Wirkungsabschätzung landnutzender Prozesse auf die biologische Vielfalt
Das Factsheet gibt einen kurzen Einblick in die zugrunde liegende Biodiversitätswirkungsabschätzungsmethode aufbereitet für die Zielgruppe Unternehmen.
Berücksichtigung von Biodiversität in Unternehmen der deutschen Lebensmittelwirtschaft
» 977,9 KiB - 812 hits - 5. März 2022
Das White Paper „Berücksichtigung von Biodiversität in Unternehmen der deutschen Lebensmittelwirtschaft“ hat den Status Quo des Biodiversitätsmanagements in Unternehmen der deutschen Lebensmittelwirtschaft untersucht: Wird Biodiversität im Management von Unternehmen berücksichtigt? Welche Maßnahmen werden umgesetzt? Wie erfolgt die Wirksamkeitsmessung? Welche Chancen und Herausforderungen beste-hen? Welche Stakeholdergruppen werden bei der Ausrichtung von Biodiversitätsmaßnahmen einbezogen? Die Autor:innen Lynn Alber von der fjol GmbH, Verena Timmer und Julius Wenzig vom ZNU – Zentrum für Nachhaltige Unternehmensführung der Universität Witten/Herdecke zeigen auf, dass der Schutz von Biodiversität in der deutschen Lebensmittelwirtschaft grundsätzlich als relevant eingestuft wird. Denn Ernährungssysteme sind hochgradig abhängig von funktionierenden Ökosystemen. Trotzdem wird Biodiversität insbesondere in operativen Prozessen bislang nicht priorisiert und nicht über bereits etablierte Beschaffungsinstrumente implementiert.
Formative evaluation of transdisciplinary research for systematic impact orientation in real-world laboratories
» 109,8 KiB - 0 hits - 27. Juni 2024
Jasmin Wiefek, Emilia Nagy and Martina Schäfer from TU Berlin have developed an approach for the project-accompanying formative evaluation of transdisciplinary research. The implementation of an impact workshop with the development of a theory of change forms the starting point for the evaluation. In the special issue "Impacts of Real-world Labs in Sustainability Transformations" published by GAIA in early 2024, the evaluation concept is presented in a design report. Two examples from real-world lab research are used to explain the application of the approach in practice.
Summary of results of the BioVal – Workshop “Towards Marine Biodiversity Impact Assessment”
» 142,2 KiB - 348 hits - 22. Januar 2023
The workshop discussed the status quo of marine biodiversity impact assessment and outlined the challenges but also the opportunities.
Methods of empirical survey of value attitudes for biodiversity research (only german)
» 1,1 MiB - 0 hits - 7. Oktober 2022
The white paper "Methods of empirical assessment of value attitudes for biodiversity research" by the authors Uta Böhm from the Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) at the Technical University of Berlin and Julius Wenzig from the Center for Sustainable Management (ZNU) at the University of Witten/Herdecke provides an overview of the current state of knowledge on possible methods, approaches and studies for assessing social value attitudes towards biodiversity. The focus of the white paper is on empirical methods that are suitable for surveying societal value attitudes towards biodiversity in Germany. Quantitative and qualitative survey methods for the assessment of value attitudes towards biodiversity in general as well as the awareness of the connection between food production and biodiversity are considered.
Aquatic Biodiversity Impact Assessment – first ideas
» 436,4 KiB - 129 hits - 7. Oktober 2022
White Paper in the context of the research project Biodiversity Valuing & Valuation (BioVal) Phase 1. The white paper "Aquatic Biodiversity Impact Assessment - first ideas" presents first ideas for the assessment of aquatic biodiversity impacts in the context of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA). These ideas were discussed and further developed with stakeholders in a workshop. In addition, an expertise on biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems was included in the white paper. The authors Dr. Ulrike Eberle from the ZNU - Center for Sustainable Management at the University of Witten/Herdecke, Prof. Dr. Jan Paul Lindner from the University of Applied Sciences Bochum and Julian Quandt show that it is in principle possible to develop a Life Cycle Impact Assessment (LCIA) method for aquatic biodiversity using the proposed approach. However, there are still some challenges to overcome.
Biodiversity Management Practice Handbook
» 9,0 MiB - 44 hits - 24. September 2024
How do companies succeed in integrating biodiversity requirements into their processes? The “Biodiversity Management Practice Handbook” provides an answer to this question. This handbook provides companies in the food industry with practical approaches for integrating biodiversity management and also incorporates the tools developed in BioVal. The practical handbook also contains examples from the real laboratory companies Alfred Ritter GmbH & Co. KG, the Seeberger Group and FRoSTA AG, and shows how companies can identify biodiversity risks and take advantage of opportunities. The handbook guides you step by step through the processes, from analysis to the derivation of concrete measures and monitoring, in order to integrate biodiversity into corporate processes.
The ecoregion map: a building block in the risk analysis
» 8,7 MiB - 0 hits - 24. September 2024
Not all biodiversity is the same. According to experts, the value of ecoregions varies greatly. However, this also means that there are regions where impacts on biodiversity are more severe than in others or, conversely, that you can achieve many good things for biodiversity with good management. In BioVal, we have developed a digital ecoregion map that you can use to obtain an initial assessment of the value of the various potential sourcing regions. The map is also used in the biodiversity footprint assessment using the BVI method. Click here to access the ecoregion map ( Further information can also be found in the Biodiversity Management Practice Handbook.
Assess suppliers with regard to biodiversity using supplier questionnaires
» 298,9 KiB - 0 hits - 24. September 2024
Impacts on biodiversity occur primarily at the origin of the raw materials. The supplier questionnaires developed in BioVal help to assess the performance of suppliers on biodiversity and thus also contribute to raising awareness of the issue. As part of BioVal, the supplier questionnaires - like all management approaches developed - were tested by the real laboratory companies and companies from the Biodiversity Working Group. The questionnaires can also be combined with the other approaches developed, such as the ecoregion map for analyzing the biodiversity value of cultivation regions and the biodiversity footprint. The questionnaires can be sent directly to suppliers. However, the questions can also be integrated into existing sustainability performance questionnaires. The following questionnaires are available:
Supplier questionnaire on aquatic biodiversity (fisheries, aquaculture)
» 298,9 KiB - 82 hits - 24. September 2024
Supplier questionnaire on agriculture biodiversity
» 294,5 KiB - 84 hits - 24. September 2024
Supplier questionnaire on agriculture biodiversity including assessment
» 301,5 KiB - 101 hits - 24. September 2024
Biodiversity footprint as a basis for corporate decision-making
» 8,7 MiB - 0 hits - 24. September 2024
The BVI method can be used to estimate the biodiversity impact of a company's own products. This works in a similar way to the CO2 footprint, which is already common practice in order to make the climate impact measurable. The biodiversity footprint makes it possible to measure the impact of one's own products along the supply chain on biodiversity and thus makes them controllable. Companies benefit from this analysis: without data, all they would have to do is guess. Possible applications include, for example, using the respective biodiversity footprints to compare different origins of the same product in terms of their impact on biodiversity. Another possibility is to calculate the biodiversity footprint for several scenarios in which, for example, the yield, the use of fertilizers or the fishing method are varied, in order to identify starting points for reducing negative influences on biodiversity and to derive targeted, effective measures for biodiversity protection. In this way, effective protection strategies can be derived that strengthen both the environment and the resilience of supply chains.
The BVI method is also tried and tested and can be used even if the data on your own specific supply chains is not yet available. Curious? Click here to access the BVI method dashboard ( Further information on the method can also be found in the Biodiversity Management Practical Handbook .
Building block for the Code of Conduct on Biodiversity (only german)
» 3,2 MiB - 0 hits - 24. September 2024
Companies are not only required to manage biodiversity along the supply chain, they must also ensure that their suppliers are committed to biodiversity. One building block for this is to integrate biodiversity into the Supplier Code of Conduct. As part of BioVal, we have developed a more detailed and a less detailed module for you, which you are welcome to use. These modules were also developed together with the real laboratory companies.
Raising employee awareness and motivation for biodiversity (only german)
» 30,0 MiB - 0 hits - 24. September 2024
Management tools can create the framework that helps to successfully integrate biodiversity into companies. However, this framework must be filled and the management tools must actually be used. And this is not possible without the employees.
Accordingly, an important step towards successful integration is the development of knowledge within the company. Training for employees is an effective way of doing this. As part of BioVal, we have developed an exemplary set of slides for internal training courses to help companies explain to employees what is meant by biodiversity, why biodiversity is important for companies and what biodiversity has to do with their own supply chains. The training presentation also provides an outlook on how biodiversity can be managed in companies.
Presentation of results “Communicating corporate commitment to biodiversity conservation” on 15.05.2024 at the fifth Biodiversity Working Group (only german)
» 1,7 MiB - 0 hits - 29. Juli 2024
As part of the online event series “Biodiversity Working Group” for companies in the food industry, key results of the second representative consumer survey with 1,500 respondents were presented on May 15, 2024. The survey was conducted by the Center for Technology and Society (ZTG) at the Technical University of Berlin. Using a conjoint analysis, sample products from the project partners Alfred Ritter GmbH&Co KG, FRoSTA AG and Seeberger GmbH were used to determine which design and statements on biodiversity protection are preferred by consumers and how these communication messages affect their willingness to pay for food produced in a biodiversity-friendly way.
Presentation "How can biodiversity be implemented in sustainability management?" at the LZ-Summit "Packaging & Sustainability" on 11.06.2024 (only german)
» 2,3 MiB - 0 hits - 11. Juni 2024
The LZ Summit "Packaging and Sustainability" took place in Frankfurt am Main on June 10-11, 2024. Dr. Ulrike Eberle (ZNU, Project Manager BioVal) and Isabell Schäfer (Seeberger GmbH, Sustainability Officer) presented the results of the BioVal project. Dr. Ulrike Eberle explained the promotion of biodiversity along the food value chain and the BVI method for quantifying biodiversity effects, which works in a similar way to calculating a climate footprint. Isabell Schäfer reported on how Seeberger GmbH integrates biodiversity into the supply chain, raises awareness among suppliers and evaluates them. The aim is to firmly anchor biodiversity in supplier management. The challenges here are the diversity of products, suppliers and procurement regions as well as the price sensitivity of consumers.
Focus group discussion with consumers: Need for information on biodiversity when buying food (only german)
» 1,8 MiB - 0 hits - 19. April 2023
Based on the results of the representative consumer survey of June 2022, a focus group discussion was conducted in February 2023 in order to deepen the need for information on biodiversity in food purchasing. In the online discussion round, it was discussed which information is important to consumers, how detailed they want to be informed, whether differences are made between different product groups, how consumers want to be informed about measures to protect biodiversity and when information is perceived as reliable. The explorative study serves as a basis for a further planned representative survey on the willingness to pay for biodiversity-friendly food.